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Back Office Questions

Will my teeth be sensitive after whitening?

What foods do I have to avoid after whitening treatments?

How much radiation does the X-Ray give off?

What foods do I need to avoid if I have braces?

What is a “Separator?”

What happens if my separator falls out?

What does the expander do?

Does the patient feel any pain when the rapid palatal expander is turned?

Do I get to change color ties at every visit?

How long will I have to wear my retainer for?

How often do you take x-rays?

Will my clear brackets stain over time?

Does having braces hurt?

Will my braces affect my school events and activites?

What is the difference between metal and ceramic brackets?

Front Office Questions

How often are our appointments after we get the braces on?

What are “B Bucks?”

Do you offer whitening treatments?

Does insurance cover whitening treatment?

How long does the check up appointment take?

When do I get to spin the rewards wheel?

How do I get reward points?

How much are the B-Orthodontics t-shirts?

Do you sponsor local schools and events?

Do you do cleaning and filling appointments in this office?

What do I do if I need an emergency appointment and you are closed?

What is the “VIP Club” you have?

Where are you located?

Treatment coordinator Questions

Will metal braces make my teeth move faster than clear aligners?

How much do braces cost?

Do you accept insurance benefits?

What is the cost for a consultation?

What is better: clear or metal braces?

At what age do children start orthodontic treatment?

What is the average time I will have braces on for?

Do I have to wait for all of my baby teeth to fall out before I get braces?

What happens if I go over my treatment time?

Do you offer financing?

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